Berean Baptist Church
Jason Harvell, Pastor
24070 US HWY 98 
Elberta, AL 36530

History of 
Berean Baptist Church

      A group of believers met on Sunday afternoon, March 30, 1958, in the house of Robert Bruhn in Elberta, Alabama with the purpose of forming a new church. The unanimous choice for a name was the Berean Baptist Church. Bill Oden was elected to serve as temporary pastor.   
     For approximately two years, services were held each Sunday and Wednesday evening in the home of Albert Bruhn. In 1959, four lots located on Highway 98, one mile West of Elberta, were purchased. A block building was erected on the site and the first service was held in March, 1960. George Nelson came on as pastor in April 1960, and continued as pastor until July 1969. During Pastor Nelson’s tenure, the church moved into a new auditorium and began sponsoring a weekly radio broadcast on WHEP called Gospel Dynamite. Pastor Nelson also began a vigorous missions program that has continued to the present day.  
     In November of 1969, Havard Frost  answered the Lord’s call to pastor Berean and under his leadership the church began a bus ministry. Terry L. Pergl began his ministry in August of 1973.  He pastored for eleven years and oversaw the construction of a larger auditorium, a new office wing as well as a nursery and multiple Sunday School rooms.  
     James B. Robinson  accepted the call to be the interim pastor in September, 1984 and came on as full time pastor two months later. The church enjoyed steady growth under his leadership. He led the church in purchasing new buses, erecting a new sign and pioneered several new ministries.  
     In March of 1994, Dr. Paul Marsh  was called to be the pastor. Under Pastor Marsh’s direction, the church’s vision expanded to include a school minister for members who want to take an active role in their children’s education. The missions outreach was expanded to support 42 missionaries and multiple missions projects under his leadership. 
     On Father’s Day, 2002, God led Dr. Robert Evans  to be our pastor. Under his direction, the church has seen steady growth. The church received three acres of land in 2008. In 2010 Robert Evans initiated a construction project to remodel the auditorium and the building was dedicated on February 7, 2010. The church acquired an additional adjoining 4 acres in 2013. Under Pastor Evans’ leadership, Berean has seen a revival of the bus program and with it growing vibrant children’s and youth program. 
     In 2020, we welcomed Pastor Jason Harvell.  We are so thankful for God’s faithfulness thus far and we look forward to seeing where He will lead us in the years to come.

What We Believe

The Inspiration of the Bible

We believe in the Holy Scriptures accepting fully the writings of the Old and new Testaments as the very Word of God, verbally inspired in all parts, and infallible and authoritative rule of faith and practice. 2 Peter 1:20-21; 2 Timothy 3:16.

The Doctrine of the Trinity

We believe there is one God eternally existent in three Persons: Father, son, and Holy Spirit. 
Matthew 28;19; John 14:26; 2 Corinthians 13:4.

The Deity of Christ

We believe in the Deity of Christ; His virgin birth; His blood shed for our atonement; His bodily resurrection and His bodily ascension into  Heaven where He is our intercessor. John 10:30, 38; 14:10; 17:11, 22; Revelation 5:12.

The Work of the Holy Spirit

We believe that the Holy Spirit convicts of sin. He makes believers children of God through the new birth, assures them of Heaven and enables Christians by His indwelling presence to live a godly life. John 14:17, 16:8; 1 Corinthians 3:10; Romans 8:26.

The Depravity and Lost Condition of Man

We believe that all men are by nature and choice sinful, lost and have within themselves no possible means of salvation. 
Romans 3:9-18, 23

The Doctrine of Salvation

We believe in the existence of Satan, the deceiver and prince of this present world. He was defeated and judged at the cross and his final doom is certain. he will be bound and cast into the lake of fire. 2 Thessalonians 2:8, John 12:31; Revelation 20:14-15

The Second Coming of Christ

We believe in the pre-millennial second coming of Christ; that His return from heaven will be personal, visible and glorious. The timing has not been revealed but is always imminent. When He comes, He will first, by resurrection of the righteous dead and the translation of the righteous living, remove from the earth His waiting church and then pour out the righteous judgements of God upon the unbelieving world. After which, He will descend with His church and establish His glorious and literal Kingdom on earth over all the nations for a thousand years. I Thessalonians 4:13-18; John 14:3; Colossians 3:4; 1 John 3:2. 

The Doctrine of Satan

We believe in the existence of Satan, the deceiver and prince of this present world. He was defeated and judged at the cross and his final doom is certain. We will be bound and cast into the lake of fire. 2 Thessalonians 2:8; John 12:31; Revelation 20:14-15.

The Eternal Destiny of Mankind

We believe that the spirits of the saved at death go immediately to be with Christ in heaven. Christ will judge their works at His second coming and determind their rewards. The spirits of the unsaved will at death descend immediately into hell until the final day of judgement at which time thier bodies shall be raised from the grave, judged, and cast into the lake of fire, thei place of final and everlasting punishment. 2 Corintians 5:6-10; Revelation 20:11-15. 

The Priesthood of all Believers

We believe in the priesthood of all believers. Christ is our great High Priest and through Him every boyn-again person has direct access into God's presence without the need of human priest. The believer has the right and responsibility to study and interpret the  Scriptures for himself as the Spirit guides Him. Revelation 1:6, 5:10; Acts 10:21.

The Doctrine of the Church

We believe that the local New Testament Church is an organized body of born-again, baptized believers practicing scriptural ordinances and actively engaged in fulfilling the Great Commissions. Acts 20:28; Ephesians 5:23; Matthew 28:18-20

The Ordinances of the Church

We believe the two scriptural ordinances given to the local church are Baptism by ommersion and the Lord's Supper. In the Bible no one was ever baptized except by immersion. The very word "baptism" literally means to dip, to plunge, to submerge, or to immerse. Baptism show our death, burial, and resurrection with Christ. Baptism pictures the death of the old man, the burial of the old life, and the resurrection of a new life to the lived for the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lor's Supper typifies the suffering and shedding of the blood of Christ for our sins. It is a remembrance of the death of Christ for our atonement. Acts 8:12, 18:1; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26.

The Doctrine of punishment and Blessings

We believe in the everlasting conscious punishment of the wicked in hell and the everlasting, conscious blessedness fo the saints in heaven. Matthew 25:46; Hebrews 10:28-31; Matthew 25:21.

Bible Version of Choice

This local church adheres to the exclusive use of the King James Version of the Bible in all of its ministry of preaching and teaching. 

Meet our Pastor

Romans 10:13 “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” I am eternally grateful that the “whosoever” in Romans 10:13 included me. The good news does not stop there though because if you are reading this note, that “whosoever” includes you too! August 7, 1991 was the greatest day of my life! On that day as a young teenager I was born into the family of God! From that day on, I knew that God had saved me, God had forgiven me, and that God was going to lead me. And lead me He has done. God led me to my wife, and we were married on August 19, 2000. God led me around the world with a career in racing, ending up in North Carolina. God led my wife and I to surrender our lives to serve the Lord Jesus Christ while at Faith Baptist Church in Kannapolis, North Carolina. While living in North Carolina, God also blessed us with two wonderful children William and Benjamin.

God then led our family overseas to minister to the U.S. Military service members and their families in Germany and in Spain. And God has now led us to Berean Baptist Church here in Elberta, Alabama. And we could not be more excited about all that God is doing! So, since you 
have read this much about me, allow me the opportunity 
to invite you to join us for one of our weekly services here at Berean Baptist Church. I would love to meet you and 
give the opportunity to share how God is leading in your life. I look forward to meeting you! 
                                     Pastor Jason Harvell